STS supports the Motorola MPM-100 mobile payment module

Friday, September 5, 2014

STS is pleased to announce that it has further extended its supported device range by becoming fully integrated with the Motorola MPM-100.

The MPM-100 is a palm-sized, Bluetooth enabled mobile payment module that instantly adds comprehensive payment processing capabilities to a number of mobile devices and accepts both EMV Contact (Chip and PIN) and Contactless cards in addition to magstripe. Thus it can accept virtually any type of payment: credit, debit, loyalty, gift card or NFC.

Offering the highest level of data security for payment processing, and a rugged design, ensures reliability wherever the MPM-100 is used.

The MPM-100 has been integrated with STS’ G8 payment architecture offering a functionally rich, flexible and high performance solution. G8 allows the module to accept any card and can be paired with an extensive range of mobile EPOS systems. It encompasses STS’ smart card framework and integrates Emvelink, Touchlink and other smart card applications via its Plug-in architecture.

STS is delighted to be continuing to support Motorola’s devices and is pleased that this will provide another option for customers seeking a robust mobile payments solution.

If you wish to find out more on any of STS’ products and solutions, please contact the main office on +44(0)20 8680 0252 or by email at [email protected].